You won't believe this...

“I have social anxiety, I can’t talk to people”

I’ve heard this “problem” sooo many times.

Why are you letting fear get the best of you?

That’s NOT what you should do, you're better than this.

Let me tell you how…

Having a problem is one thing.

But having one and NOT solving it is another.

You know EXACTLY why you have it.

You don’t actually have a fear of socializing with people, you’re scared of messing up.

Which is normal to happen.

It’s NOT a thing to look down on.

“But idk how to overcome it”

Easy, here’s what to do…

Understanding your weak points.

Understand what you lack on?

Is it:

  • Perfectionism?

  • Fear of judgment?

  • Lack of preparation?

There should be a reason behind EVERY problem.

If you still can’t find it…


Get down to the CORE of the problem, once you find it, start looking for solutions.

BOOM, problem solved.

It’s as easy as it sounds trust me.

Now this next one you can never go wrong…

Practice, Practice and Practice!

You can never master something without practicing.

The more you practice, the better you get.

Remember one thing…


It’s super easy to do.

Practice with:

  • Your family.

  • Your friends.

  • Random people.

Get comfortable socializing.

People need a confident person, that person can be YOU.


If you apply the tricks I have provided above, you will be able to overcome it in NO TIME.


It’s not that hard to do, just go for it.

What are you waiting for?

Those fears will not go away on themselves.

Much love,

Sultan Ahmed.