You need to get up NOW...

You need to get up NOW...

You woke up from your comfy bed.

Feeling as if you want to stay in bed for HOURS…

Scrolling your phone through:

  • TikTok.

  • Instagram.

  • Twitter.

Then you realize you’ve wasted HOURS scrolling for nothing.

You got distracted.

Regret and fear start to flow through your body.

You start to overthink of how much you’ve WASTED time for nothing when you could’ve done something better.

You need to understand time is VALUABLE.

You need to spend it WISELY.

Your comfy bed is one of the FIRST distractions of your day.

You need to start accepting that…

Staying In bed WON’T benefit you in the long run.


What should you do in this situation?

Well, I’ll tell you.

Here are 3 tips that WILL get you out of bed.

1) Don’t use your phone first thing in the morning…

When waking up.

Our brain is still processing things.

If you use your phone first thing in the morning.

It provides you with this cheap dopamine rush which results in…

You getting distracted.

Place your phone a few feet away from your bed and set an alarm before going to bed.

Not only you’re giving your brain to process things but also…

When the alarm sets off.

You are FORCED to stand up to turn it off.

Since you’ve stood up…

Your brain is convinced to start the day.

2) Learn to control your thoughts…

We tend to create RANDOM scenarios which result in us:

  • Becoming moody.

  • Becoming distracted.

  • Sabotaging ourselves.

Start training your thoughts when it comes again.

Always think positively.

You’ll realize how MUCH control you have over your own thoughts.

It can be hard as you start BUT eventually…

You will master it.

3) Practice waking up on time…

Waking up late does feel go at times.

You are fully rested and relaxed


You’ve wasted precious time just for a rested sleep.

Was it worth the time?

I don’t think so…

It’s recommended to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

Learn to sleep and…

Wake up on time.

That way, you have a few EXTRA hours to work on your goal.

Now you know what to do.

Start practising them RIGHT NOW.

You’ll start to see results taking place ONCE you put in the effort.

You can do this.

Much love,

Sultan Ahmed.