I have FAILED until this happened...

Exam season was around the corner.

I was worried about them, needed to concentrate and applied soooo much effort to it.

Lost countless nights of sleep and exhausted myself WAY too much.

From day and night was all about studying, studying and STUDYING.

I hated the feeling but I HAD to do it.

I wanted to pass them until the day came…

The exam papers were given to me and let me tell you…

I didn’t know ANYTHING.

Each question I went through, I didn’t know ANYTHING (Which is normal)

But I did what I could, I then started to answer them with confidence.

After 2 hours of stress, the exam was over.

I was relieved, finally the exam had ended.

Felt like I did good and confident with myself until I saw my grades…

Did NOT do great.

Not gonna lie, I felt disappointed in myself.

But then I asked myself…

“When will you stay that way, till when you will stop disappointing yourself?”

That made me realize that no matter what I felt that day will NOT change the past.

I learned to accept what just happened and move on to whatever comes next.

The lesson here?

Whenever you fail, there is NO point in putting yourself down.

It will not and I repeat will NOT change the past, EVER.

Learn to accept what has happened and learn what YOU can do better the next time.

This will inspire you to learn and become more aware of your task.


Failure is a normal part of life.

Whether you love it or hate it, it will come no matter what you do.

The ONLY thing you need to do is to learn from it, NOT run away from it.

Much love,

Sultan Ahmed.